In Christ we are able to take the steps necessary to have a genuinely successful life, where we fulfill our true calling. First, you must make the decision to give your life to Christ. In Him we are granted forgiveness for our sins, guaranteed eternal life (John 3:16), and allowed access to God (John 14:6). Once you have made the decision to give your life to Christ, you are adopted into God’s family. In 2 Corinthians 6:18 the Lord says, "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters." Despite what you may have been told growing up or from certain religious denominations, God is not mad at you. He loves us deeply, with an everlasting love that draws us to Him (Jeremiah 31:3), and we are precious and valuable in His sight. He is a Holy God who hates sin and cannot be in its presence, but once we give our lives to Christ, we become a new creation in Him. Our old lives are gone, as God gives us a clean slate.
The second step you need to take, after you give your life to Christ, is to follow the Him. Jesus said, “many are invited, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14).” Anyone can say that they believe in and love Jesus, but only a few truly follow Him. Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven (Matthew 7:21).” Accepting Jesus into your heart and life is only the beginning. Following Him takes faith, obedience, trust, discipline, and courage. If you are committed to following Christ, then your life will change. Often times, the changes that take place in our lives when we follow Jesus are dramatic. You may have to make difficult decisions like letting go of ungodly relationships, quitting a job or a career that doesn’t glorify God, or give up ungodly habits and behaviors. Being a Christian is not always easy, but it is definitely worth it. When you are tempted to sin or give up walking with the Lord, stand firm and hang in there. God will never give you more than you can handle (1 Corinthians 10:13). Fellowship with God daily by reading His Word, praying, worshiping Him, attending church and growing in your walk with Him.
After you give your life to Christ and begin to follow Him, take the next step to being successful and fulfilling your true calling. What’s the next step? Open your heart and prepare it to listen to God’s voice. Prayer is a two way street. While God wants to hear and answer our prayers, He also wants to speak to us. The way to discover God’s will and plan for your life is to be open to His voice. Make time to go before the Lord and hear what He has to say to you. Be sure to keep in mind that God will sometimes use others to speak to you, as well. Be open to hearing what other godly men or women say to you. Sometimes what someone else speaks in to your life will be a confirmation of what God has already revealed to you. I strongly recommend getting away from the distractions in your life and taking time to fast and pray. When you focus solely on time with God and hearing His voice, you will hear Him clearly. How amazing and powerful that Christian’s are able to hear the voice of the Creator of the Universe! When you take time to think about that, it can really blow your mind. So take the next step to successfully fulfilling and pursuing your true calling by listening to God’s voice and following where He leads you! He has a plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11), and He doesn’t want you to guess or wonder what it is. He wants to reveal His plan to you!
When I was a newly born again woman I wanted to know what direction God wanted me to take. I knew that He had given me gifts and talents, but I wanted to live my life by using my gifts and talents for His glory, and following the true calling He had for me. I followed the Holy Spirit inside of me and the best decision that I made was walking away from a job and a career that I enjoyed. That may sound odd, but I knew there was more to life than having a job as an Executive Assistant and Fashion Coordinator, and pursuing a career as an actress and singer. I was on fire for Jesus, I wanted to go deeper, and I knew that God also wanted me to. Although I had spent my entire life entertaining, I knew God had placed a special call on my life. Right after I quit my job, I went away for a week and fasted. I took this time to pray and listen intently to God. He encouraged me, comforted me, strengthened me, and gave me guidance, as well as told me about beautiful blessings that were in store for me. It was one of the most amazing and sacred experiences of my entire life. God took my life in an unexpected and wonderful direction. I met and married my husband, moved to a new city and joined a great church. Today I use my talent of singing for His glory at my church, and I am able to use my gifts for His glory, as well. I am in full time ministry, as a co-founder of an outreach ministry with my husband, servant in various areas of ministry at my church, and missionary. I know that I am living out the call that God has placed on my life. I never imagined my life would go in this direction, but I am so thankful to God that He has made it possible. The world may not think my life is very glamorous, but I am content, joyful and at peace, knowing that I am living out my true calling. I hope my story encourages and inspires you to be all that God has called you to be!
There are several steps that you can take, in order to be successful and fulfill your true calling. First, give your life to Christ. Second, truly follow Christ by obeying His commands and being surrendered to God. Next, open your heart, listen to God’s voice, and follow where He leads you. There is more that you can do, in order to ensure that you are successful and fulfilling your calling in life, so continue reading the blog’s for this week.
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